Tag Archives: childrens wall sticker

How to Use Wall Stickers in a Kid’s Room

12 Sep


If you cast your mind back to your childhood and reminisce about the wonderful memories that you created all those years ago, you will undoubtedly remember times of dragging your favourite teddy bear to party after party, or having a tea party in your bedroom with all of your dolls and toys. It is in the younger years of your life that you begin to flourish and develop into the wonderful adult that you are today, so if you have little ones at home, it’s vital you create a space to let their imaginations run wild, and with the kids wall stickers we have here at Decowall, this is easier than ever.
Are you lacking inspiration? Finding it difficult to imagine how you are going to transform your little one’s room? If so, then read on to harness a whole host of ideas so you can inject some fun into your child’s room.

  • Tired and lifeless furniture? No problem! You can use wall stickers to put some life back into dull pieces, no matter how old or the condition they are in.
  • Space; the age old problem that many parents have in their home! It’s a commodity that you will no doubt strive to get more of, and by using our wall stickers, you could help to separate areas of a room, so if you want to create a play space and segregate it from where your child sleeps, these are the perfect solution!
  • Educate! They say that home is where the heart is, and this is certainly true when it comes to education. From the moment your little one utters their first words to the times when they’re stressed out with exams, they will constantly be learning and taking in things. So, if you want to help your child flourish, why not take a look at some of the educational wall stickers we have, including the alphabet or our world map?

Use wall stickers today as a cost effective, simple solution to transform your kiddie’s room. The best thing about our products? They’re so easy to apply and remove the children can get involved too!

How to Decorate a Children’s Room to Budget

11 Sep



Many of us are getting used to having to do most things on a budget these days, and decorating your child’s bedroom is no exception; but don’t worry, with the help of Decowall it couldn’t be easier. We have a wide range of childrens wall stickers at affordable prices as well as some top tips on keeping the cost down when decorating your children’s rooms.

Wall Stickers
Wall stickers are a great way to add a bit of fun into a child’s room. They can transform a plain wall into something exciting and creative in seconds. You could even create a theme in the room. The stickers are so affordable and easy to take on and off the wall that you could invest in several different stickers and alternate them; fantastic for keeping your children entertained.
We have a vast range of stickers so your child can be as creative as they like when it comes to decorating their room. Another great thing about the stickers is that they are easy to wipe clean, and when you remove them they don’t leave any residue or damage your walls.

Being Creative On A Budget
If your child likes to draw you could always pick up some cheap blackboard paint and make their door into a blackboard that they can draw and write on. Why buy new furniture when you can paint their old desk, chairs and wardrobes? You could paint them to match the colour of the walls or you could let your child and their friends draw pictures on them.
Old curtains and made to measure blinds can be transformed into cushion covers or even a bean bag if you or someone you know is handy with a sewing machine. You don’t have to buy cushions, you could always fill the covers with old t-shirts or towels.
Here at Decowall we pride ourselves on providing quality stickers at low prices so you can transform any room with minimal effort and cost. Be sure to check out all the different stickers we have on offer and enjoy creating a beautiful room for your child.
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